Feel Validated, Supported, and Understood

Highly effective individual therapy in New York and counseling throughout the U.S.

The events in your life can leave you feeling overwhelmed, sad, confused, and fearful of the future. You want to move forward, but figuring out how to do that under the weight of your challenging emotions can be difficult.

Whether you’re afraid to face issues in your past, are resistant to moving into adulting mode, or need guidance navigating a breakup, online therapy with me can help.

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.”

~ Brené Brown

I’ll Help You Become the Author of Your Own Story

Issues from your past can make you feel like you’re not in control of your own life. You can feel like a victim rather than the agent of your future. As an experienced and trained Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) therapist and psychodynamic counselor, I can give you the tools to change unwanted behaviors and beliefs so you can gain agency in your daily decisions and come to understand your true self better.

While I’m happy to help you in any area you may be struggling with, my specialties include:

  • Childhood Emotional Neglect
  • Attachment Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Individuals Getting Divorced or Separated
  • Introvert Struggles
  • Individuals transitioning into adulthood
Woman holding an umbrella on a NYC street

No matter what you’re dealing with, I’ll help you develop the tools and strategies you need to make positive changes in your life and move forward confidently with a deeper understanding of self.

Move Forward With Me As Your CEN Therapist in New York and Beyond

Man on a laptop at home having individual online therapy in New York

What happened in your childhood has impacted who you are as an adult. That includes abuse and mistreatment. But it also includes something you can’t physically see – emotional neglect. And if you’ve experienced it, you need a professional to help you work through the damage it’s caused.

Emotional neglect as a child can come in many forms, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • not setting needed boundaries and rules
  • invalidating or ignoring your emotions
  • allowing behavioral problems to continue without discipline
  • being emotionally absent from you
  • not supporting you emotionally during times of difficulty
  • refusing to show you affection, even when you ask for it

If you’ve experienced CEN, you likely have trouble understanding or trusting your own emotions and those of others. This severely impacts all relationships, including the one you have with yourself. As a result, you may feel empty, lonely, unfulfilled, disconnected, and struggling with attachment issues.

As your trained CEN therapist and online counselor, I’ll closely examine the system in which you were brought up and how you’ve adapted in adulthood. Of course, we’ll have to explore some of your past family of origin, but most of the work we do together will focus on helping you gain the tools and awareness you need to feel good about the choices you make for yourself.

What to Expect When Working With Me As Your Online Counselor

My goal through online therapy in New York or counseling throughout the U.S. is to help you better understand who you are so your next step in life can come from a place of confidence. I take a direct and compassionate approach to therapy and focus on leading you through the behavioral changes and transitions necessary to feel better about yourself and your life.

I provide warm and compassionate online therapy and counseling to individuals ready to move past their hurt and into the life they want and deserve.

If that sounds like you, it’s time to get started.

Jodi Lerner, LCSW with dog; online discernment counselor, NY therapist

Connect with Jodi

There’s never been a better time to develop a deeper understanding of your next step in life. I’m ready to get started.